Western IPM Bed Bug Work Group
Western IPM Bed Bug Work Group
Western IPM Bed Bug Work Group
University of California
Western IPM Bed Bug Work Group

Elderly and Disabled


Specific Resources


Resources Specific to the Client by Clientele Report BEST Applies To : Elderly and Disabled

Bed Bug Action Plan for Home Health Care and Social Workers

Miller, Dini; Kells, Stephen
Report Description

Guide for social workers and neighborhood services staff conducting in-home visits. Includes information on how to visit homes without taking bed bugs into other locations or home, moving residents with bed bugs on their person, and procedures to undertake upon returning home. Document recommends training through Extension.

Type of Material
PDF (Portable Document Format)

Apendice sobre chinches

California Apartment Association
Report Description

This is CAA’s Spanish version of its model bed bug addendum.

Type of Material
PDF (Portable Document Format)

Bed Bug Action Plan for Apartments

Miller, Dini
Report Description

This resource attempts to provide information on various aspects of bed bug management for multi-unit housing landlords and managers. Tenant education, prevention, and some specific management tactics are covered.

Type of Material
PDF (Portable Document Format)

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Resources Providing General Bed Bug Information


By Client by Clientele Report Generally Applies To : Elderly & Disabled Public Housing Manager

Apendice sobre chinches

California Apartment Association
Report Description

This is CAA’s Spanish version of its model bed bug addendum.

Type of Material
PDF (Portable Document Format)

Bed Bug Action Plan for Apartments

Miller, Dini
Report Description

This resource attempts to provide information on various aspects of bed bug management for multi-unit housing landlords and managers. Tenant education, prevention, and some specific management tactics are covered.

Type of Material
PDF (Portable Document Format)

Bed Bug Action Plan for Home Health Care and Social Workers

Miller, Dini; Kells, Stephen
Report Description

Guide for social workers and neighborhood services staff conducting in-home visits. Includes information on how to visit homes without taking bed bugs into other locations or home, moving residents with bed bugs on their person, and procedures to undertake upon returning home. Document recommends training through Extension.

Type of Material
PDF (Portable Document Format)

Bed Bug Management Policy & Procedural Guide for Accommodation Providers

Doggett, Stephen
Report Description

This housing provider guide is useful for all kinds of housing managers. Developed for Australian housing, but the information is applicable everywhere and touches on responsibilities, education and training, documentation, occupational health and safety, eradication processes, preventative measures, media response, and record keeping. This document attempts to provide start-to- finish bed bug IPM procedural guidelines for MUH
landlords / managers. It may also be useful for lodging, shelters, schools, and government buildings.

Type of Material
PDF (Portable Document Format)

Bed Bug Nation: Are We Making Any Progress?

Potter, Michael; Haynes, Kenneth; Fredericks, Jim; Henriksen, Missy
Report Description

Document summarizes results from a 2010-2011 survey of PCO's concerning bed bug infestation frequency to management and business practices.

Type of Material
PDF (Portable Document Format)

Bed Bug Prevention Methods

Miller, Dini
Report Description

Early detection is critically important to putting a bed bug problem behind you quickly and efficiently. This prevention methods document is designed to heighten your awareness about encountering bed bugs during your daily activities. It could be given to MUH residents by management or PMPs to help them understand the tactics they should be using to prevent infestations in the community.

Not Known
Type of Material
PDF (Portable Document Format)

Bed Bug Survey Sheds Light on Bed Bugs in Multi-Unit Housing

WIPMC Bed Bug Work Group
Report Description

A comprehensive survey that provides insights into professional bed bug management in low-income, multi-unit housing.

Type of Material
PDF (Portable Document Format)

Bed Bug Training for Building Employees

San Francisco Department of Public Health
Report Description

This one page (front-and- back) handout is meant to educate MUH staff (management) about bed bug management protocol. It includes a bit of general biology and provides a link to the full regulations in San Francisco for MUH. It may be somewhat useful in other states.

Type of Material
PDF (Portable Document Format)

Bed Bug Treatment Using Insecticides

Miller, Dini
Report Description

This academic fact sheet covers the many pesticide options available to homeowners and PMP's for managing bed bugs. A brief discussion of pesticide registration and bed bug resistance is included.

Not Known
Type of Material
PDF (Portable Document Format)

Bed Bug Treatment: What Should You Expect

Miller, Dini
Report Description

This document attempts to prepare the client for the process of bed bug management, whether they be the owner / operator of multi-unit housing, a single-family home, an office complex, and / or other business. It starts with selection of PMPs and then covers all likely management tactics.

Not Known
Type of Material
PDF (Portable Document Format)

Bed bugs and Residential Rental Property

California Apartment Association
Report Description

This document outlines the process of bed bug management in rental housing, with specific explanation of requirements of landlords, PMPs, and residents, though landlords and property management groups are the primary audience. It includes new (2017) requirements for CA.

Type of Material
PDF (Portable Document Format)

Building-wide Bed Bug Management

Wang, Changlu; Saltzmann, Kurt; Gondhalekar, Ameya; Gibb, Timothy; Bennett, Gary.
Report Description

Published in Pest Control Technology magazine, this article attempts to provide support for the idea of building-wide IPM programs for bed bugs. The authors conclude that regular monitoring and resident involvement are required for success in MUH settings with chronic infestations. It is written for PMPs but should be compelling for MUH landlords / managers, as well.

Type of Material
PDF (Portable Document Format)

Chinches De Cama

University of California
Report Description

Ofrece información completa acerca de cómo identificar las chinches, de cómo se puede introducir a una vivienda, y de señales que dejan las chinches que indican que hay una infestación presente. Además, recomienda el uso de aspiradora y de secadora para eliminar las chinches. Finalmente recomienda contratar a un profesional de control de plagas que aplique insecticidas químicos en caso de que la infestación de chinches sea grande.

Type of Material
PDF (Portable Document Format)

Como Prevenir Que Las Chinches De Cama Entren A Su Casa

University of Minnesota Extension
Report Description

Da información muy útil de cómo prevenir la introducción de chinches a su vivienda. Recomienda no recoger muebles de las calles, que hacer y qué no hacer cuando viaje y ocupa un cuarto de hotel para reducir la probabilidad de introducir chinches a su casa.

Type of Material
PDF (Portable Document Format)

DIY bed bug control

Sutherland, Andrew
Report Description

This newsletter article, written for employees at retail garden and home stores, provides some DIY information to pass along to retail customers. Tenants’ rights, non-chemical methods, and insecticides are all discussed, though very briefly.

Type of Material
PDF (Portable Document Format)
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DIY: How to protect a mattress on the floor

Contra Costa County Bed Bug Task Force
Report Description

This one-page resource helps folks who are living with bed bugs while sleeping on the floor to avoid bites. Includes directions and pictures on how to protect a mattress on the floor.

Not Known
Type of Material
PDF (Portable Document Format)

Do You Think You Might Have Bed Bugs: in Vietnamese

California Department of Pesticide Regulation, in partnership with Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association
Report Description

Brief document for handouts in multi-unit housing. Pictures of bed bugs, what to do if you think you have bed bugs and how to look for them.

Type of Material
PDF (Portable Document Format)
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Do You Think You Might Have Bed Bugs: Creeque pueda tener CHINCHES

California Department of Pesticide Regulation, in partnership with Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association
Report Description

Brief document for handouts in multi-unit housing. Pictures of bed bugs, what to do if you think you have bed bugs and how to look for them.

Type of Material
PDF (Portable Document Format)
Download File

Do You Think You Might Have Bed Bugs: in Chinese

California Department of Pesticide Regulation, in partnership with Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association
Report Description

Brief document for handouts in multi-unit housing. Pictures of bed bugs, what to do if you think you have bed bugs and how to look for them.

Type of Material
PDF (Portable Document Format)
Download File

Do You Think You Might Have Bed Bugs: in English

California Department of Pesticide Regulation, in partnership with Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association
Report Description

Brief document for handouts in multi-unit housing. Pictures of bed bugs, what to do if you think you have bed bugs and how to look for them.

Type of Material
PDF (Portable Document Format)
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Homeowner Checklist of Bed Bug Fumigation Preparation

Target Specialty Products
Report Description

Simple checklist for residents or homeowner fumigation preparation.

Type of Material
PDF (Portable Document Format)

How to Identify a Bed Bug Infestation

Miller, Dini
Report Description

University fact sheet that describes how to identify and inspect for bed bug infestations.

Type of Material
PDF (Portable Document Format)

Lease Agreement (with bed bug addendum)

California Apartment Association
Report Description

This is CAA’s model lease, for landlords and property managers to use. It contains a bed bug addendum.

Type of Material
PDF (Portable Document Format)

Lo Que No Debe Hacer Cuando Tiene Chinches

University of Minnesota Extension
Report Description

El documento ofrece una lista de cosas que los residentes NO deben hacer para evitar problemas en su salud. También brinda consejos para evitar que los chinches se dispersen en su vivienda. Indica algunas prácticas que no funcionan para la eliminación de chinches. Igualmente recomienda no desechar muebles infestados por cuanto se pueden tratar y luego vuelven a usar.

Type of Material
PDF (Portable Document Format)

Non-Chemical Bed Bug Management

Miller, Dini
Report Description

This document covers non-chemical management tactics. It could be useful for residents attempting to manage bed bugs without professional help (DIY). It could be given to MUH residents by management or PMPs to help them understand tactics being used or to encourage them to institute some tactics themselves. This publication is not intended to endorse any of the products described below, however, these products are specifically mentioned because they are unique technologies and known to be effective. 

Type of Material
PDF (Portable Document Format)
Download File

NPMA’s ‘State bed bug laws’

National Pest Management Association
Report Description

This table outlines the latest (2016) laws (by US state) associated with bed bugs and their management. It may be useful to MUH landlords / managers and tenants as explanation of rights and responsibilities.

Type of Material
PDF (Portable Document Format)

San Francisco Rules and Regulations for Prevention and Control of Bed Bugs

San Francisco Department of Public Health
Report Description

This legal document and general resource attempts to outline the rules and responsibilities associated with bed bug management in MUH settings in SF. It contains relevant info for owners / managers, tenants, and PMPs. It also includes a bit of general

Type of Material
PDF (Portable Document Format)

UC survey (Apartment Management)

Campbell, Kathleen; Sutherland, Andrew; Lewis, Vernard; Choe, Dong-Hwan
Report Description

This article, published in Apartment Management magazine, provides a summary of findings associated with a California survey of MUH landlords and managers. It serves as a needs assessment device for researchers but also highlights the state of the industry (housing in CA) as related to bed bug management.

Type of Material
PDF (Portable Document Format)

Using Heat to Kill Bed Bugs

Miller, Dini
Report Description

A Virginia Tech fact sheet that describes in detail the options for heat treating for bed bug management.

Type of Material
PDF (Portable Document Format)

Whats Working for Bed Bug Control in Multifamily Housing

National Center for Healthy Housing
Report Description

This exhaustive long-form (37 pp) resource provides an overview of bed bug management for landlords and managers of MUH. It covers the IPM process from start to finish while also highlighting several case studies. It also provides a thorough review of insecticides used for bed bugs. Written in 2010, it may not fully capture some of the newer ideas surrounding building-wide programs nor new chemistries.

Type of Material
PDF (Portable Document Format)

Working the Bugs Out

Gouge, Dawn; Olson, Carl; Fournier, Al; Baker, Paul
Report Description

This resource attempts to provide Arizona-specific info on various aspects of bed bug management for MUH landlords / managers and tenants. Though info is Arizona-specific, it applies to most, if not all, MUH situations. Tenant education, prevention, and some specific management tactics are covered.

Type of Material
PDF (Portable Document Format)

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